The Nature & Art project deals with the relation nature-art-man. In this relation, art assumes the role of an intermediary in a broken relationship between man and nature. The process of creating an artistic work is identified with the natural process, creating thus an entirely new cultural model…

…The exhibition “Rhythm of Nature” analyses the logic of the emerging need for such artistic practice and represents the methodology of artistic research that is the consequence of comprehending the time in which we live. During the research we gradually reach the term “painting by nature” which is imposed as the definition of this artistic methodology.

As a reaction to the aggressive state of banalization of everything and accelerated entropy, this life and artistic concept has been imposed as a logical solution. In the overall cacophony of information that we receive every day, we are faced with a key, living-ecological issue of our survival. Both material and spiritual. The entire existential confusion is also inevitably reflected on the field of art. Artwork is increasingly complicated and requires layered explanations, studies, discussions and analyses.

The conclusion is that life through art should be simplified, it should be reduced to a natural process. In this case, the artistic process must be the same as the natural one. They must be one. The culture that arises from this unity, through art, harmonises the society and makes it possible…

…These natural models can be brought closer to man through art and culture. To stop the galloping entropy and waste of time through examples in art. To prove that one can live and create in harmony with nature. That is a kind of revolution. But most people assume that revolution is an act of aggression occurring due to accumulated dissatisfaction with certain social systems. This kind of revolution is a silent one and is the consequence of evolution of the individual’s persistent creativity and the society in which he lives and creates.

Taking the example of a rose, Joseph Beuys describes this process in a most illustrative way. The rose is a revolution in nature. It is unreal. It is always a surprise and it is always different and new. It grows from a thorny stem that resists winter. It is always waiting patiently for oncoming conditions so as to start budding. A bud is created through the endeavour of a rose. At one point, the bud, after ripening, transforms into all the beauty of this world, into a rose flower, as joy, as revolution.